Print Checks Deluxe requires a registration code to unlock all the features.
The Registration code is printed on the CD you purchased.
If you purchased it as a download, the registration code is in the email you received with the download directions.
The software will ask for the registration number when you run it for the first time.
Once installed, the registration number can also be found under help/version info. We recommend recording it somewhere safe for future use.
- 1.75 - Fixed screen sizing, moved settings to DB. YOU WILL have to re-enter your registration #
- 1.73 - Save settings to disk
- 1.72 - DPI Aware
- 1.71 - MICR font fix
- 1.70 - Server issue correction
- 1.69 - Corrected bulk printing voucher issue
Trouble downloading/installing because of your virus scanner?
You can also get it from the windows store: